Here’s a little round-up of what I got up to in 2019. This is a massively slimmed-down version of several hundred images that I wanted to include, but I don’t want to bore you! You can see the extended versions split between portraits and documentary work on my youtube channel Thanks to all of the […]
I know that ‘proper’ photography, the good stuff, is documentary, journalistic. It’s real moments that mean so much to real people. It’s the stuff that cuts to the heart and soul of the story. It comes from a connection with the people I photograph. Watching, listening and immersing myself in the occasion is the only […]
Some of my favourite documentary moments of 2018. Presenting all the the tears, the emotion, spontaneous laughter, stolen glances, hugs and kisses, little stories and sheer joy from what has been an incredible 2018. Sometimes these images come about through a combination of empathy, experience, timing and patience…. And maybe 101 other things going through […]
I’ve been a long time fan of Wedding Photography Select so I was so pleased to pick up 4 International Excellence Awards in the last round of their competition. Of course there are millions of photography competitions, but from a wedding photographer’s point of view it’s fairly easy to judge the level and the quality […]
When I started out in wedding photography some 12 years ago there wasn’t much about in the way of education, networking, social media etc etc. I had to learn my craft and build my business slowly over many years. I sound like I’m ancient, but I’m definitely not, and I feel like I’m still learning […]
As I write this I’m still a little jet lagged after a family break and shooting a wedding in Bangkok. But 28 hour journeys sure give a man a little time to reflect, at least when the kids are asleep. It wasn’t until a couple of days in that Sally and I realised how much […]
The best 2016 ever! We’re now well into 2017 and I’m only just writing this. It’s been that busy. There’s been so much going on in our lives and in our business that some things stay on the to do list for a while! But here we are, ready to take the 2017 wedding season […]