Phuket, Thailand – A Family Adventure
In a world that’s changing so quickly it’s difficult to know what we want for out children. To be successful, to be able to communicate, to be non judgemental, to not be hooked on facebook? Everything moves so fast and we don’t get a minute to take stock, to look around and see the planet that we live on. Sally and I are having trouble keeping up with technology ourselves, so how difficult must it be for the kids? What we do know however, is that it’s our experiences and the people we meet who shape who we are. It was so great to have a break from a fast paced lifestyle and spend some time doing not much together. Here are a few images from our little adventure to Phuket in Thailand.
Wedding Photography
The main reason for our trip to Phuket was that I had been booked to shoot a wedding in Bangkok. So for the last couple of days of the trip I flew from Phuket to Bangkok for the wedding. Images from that trip will hit the blog soon.

Great photos and so true what you wrote. Let’s be more present!