
First things to do after getting engaged!

First things to do after getting engaged.

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After the initial excitement of saying ‘yes’ starts to simmer down and your heart rate slows to a normal level, you’ll begin to realise you have a lot to do. This is an enormously exciting time, however can also seem quire overwhelming, so follow this list of ten things to do first after getting engaged, and avoid unnecessary stress.

getting engaged

1. Tell your family and closest friends first. The people who mean most to you should find out first and find out from you, rather than through other people. If possible, tell them in person, or if that’s not possible, call them and let them know your exciting news over the phone.
2. Enjoy the moment! Bask in the occasion, the romance of it and in each other’s company. Go for a long walk or out for lunch – spend time with each other and don’t feel you have to throw yourself straight into the mayhem of wedding planning.
3. Insure the engagement ring. This may not be the most romantic of tasks, however it is important as accidents do happen. Think how gutted you’d be if you lost it when it accidentally flew off your finger into a gutter.
4. Start doing some casual research. Pinterest is fantastic for getting inspired and figuring out the kind of wedding, theme and style you’re drawn to. Have fun with it.
5. Sit down and think seriously about your budget. Again, this isn’t the most romantic or fun task, however it is vital to get a rough idea as you don’t want to go viewing venues, fall in love with one, only to discover it’s wildly out of budget. Also find out if any parents or family members are willing to contribute to the budget. It’s an awkward conversation but worth having. 6. Pick a date. After doing some casual Pinterest research, you may have an idea of what season you’d like to have your wedding in for stylistic reasons. This may steer you towards a particular date, or even a time of year which will be helpful in making other decisions.
7. Decide on the size of wedding you want by roughly drafting a guest list. This will tie into budget and venue choice too so is important to consider.
8. The venue is something you should book as early as possible as they get snapped up far in advance. Don’t miss out on your dream venue.
9. Equally, good wedding photographers get booked a long way in advance so organise and meet with your wedding photographer as early as possible.
10. And finally, make sure you don’t try and organise it all yourself. Enlist the help of friends and family to keep you from getting too stressed and ensure it remains a fun task!

If you’re looking for a wedding photographer you can rely on to create beautiful pictures of your big day, look no further. Steven Rooney is an award winning photographer with a creative approach, on hand to deliver stunning photos, capturing your day from start to finish. Please browse the website for inspiration and don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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