
Elvetham Hotel Wedding Photography – Latoya and Dorian

Latoya and Dorian’s Elvetham Hotel Wedding Photography

Latoya and Dorian were married at the Elvetham Hotel in Hampshire earlier this year… and they had cookies. Oh, and fireworks! And a band, and some cakes, some emotional speeches, and very joyful wedding ceremony. Did I mention they had a cookie station? Well it’s not just an urban myth that wedding photographers get their power from coffee and cookies. Although I needed some berocca and a bottle of lucozade as well to keep up with this lot. There was also a tree made of fairy lights in the hotel grounds. Now, I’ve seen a lot of trees made of fairy lights in my time, but nothing like this one. It was the stuff of [wedding photography] legend.

The Elvetham Hotel is pretty stunning to say the least. Rich in History this place was mentioned in the Domesday Book and at one time was the home of Jane Seymour, who was at one point married to Henry VIII, but they couldn’t agree on the wallpaper. The house itself looks out on acres of colourful manicured gardens which were made famous when used for sketches on the Benny Hill show in the 1980s.

From a photography point of view, the place was awesome. The light in the ceremony room was great and there was enough shade in the grounds to work with the high sun. I couldn’t fail to get a good background in any direction. Speeches were held in the library which was spacious and allowed me to cover many angles and the evening reception was in the Orangery, in which we experienced tha last of the daylight as the sun set before going outside to watch the fireworks to round off a perfect day.

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elvetham hotel wedding photography
elvetham hotel wedding photography
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fairy light tree
fairy light
trumpet band

Latoya and Dorian’s Elvetham Hotel Wedding Photography. Copyright Steven Rooney Photography

comments +

  1. lee allen says:

    wooooo that firework shot!

    Killer set dude

  2. Excellent job mate, great set!

  3. Russell How says:

    Oh my goodness what a fun looking days. The last couple of portraits are stunningly good!

  4. Great set, such energy running throughout the day. Some really well crafted shots and creative compisitions.

  5. John Hope says:

    Oh yes mate! Absolutely nailed it!!

  6. Darren Gair says:

    Stunning coverage Steven! Those last few portraits.. how, what , WOW. Awesome dude

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